City templates

Browse our free templates for city designs you can easily customize and share.

Vibrant Minimalist Cityscape Illustration for Virtual Backgrounds

Vibrant Minimalist Cityscape Illustration for Virtual Backgrounds

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Dramatic City Skyline Silhouette with Neon Lights Mobile Wallpaper

Dramatic City Skyline Silhouette with Neon Lights Mobile Wallpaper

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Vintage New York City Travel Poster with Empire State Building

Vintage New York City Travel Poster with Empire State Building

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Minimalist Black Hong Kong Skyline Silhouette T-Shirt

Minimalist Black Hong Kong Skyline Silhouette T-Shirt

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Elegant Cityscape Hotel Logo with Modern Skyscraper Design

Elegant Cityscape Hotel Logo with Modern Skyscraper Design

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Modern Minimalist "Just A Small Town Girl" Logo for Hats

Modern Minimalist "Just A Small Town Girl" Logo for Hats

Surreal Futuristic Cityscape with UFO and Neon Lights Background

Surreal Futuristic Cityscape with UFO and Neon Lights Background

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Modern Chrysler Building Graphic with New York Text Phone Case Cover

Modern Chrysler Building Graphic with New York Text Phone Case Cover

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Grand Library with Futuristic Cityscape and Cosmic Nebula Art

Grand Library with Futuristic Cityscape and Cosmic Nebula Art

Stylized Los Angeles Cityscape Illustration at Dusk Poster

Stylized Los Angeles Cityscape Illustration at Dusk Poster

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Somber Urban Reflection of a Young Man in Contemplation Album Cover

Somber Urban Reflection of a Young Man in Contemplation Album Cover

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Minimalist 'Just A Small Town Girl' Text Design Mug

Minimalist 'Just A Small Town Girl' Text Design Mug

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Urban Flatiron Building Scene with Pastel Striped T-shirt Drawing Poster

Urban Flatiron Building Scene with Pastel Striped T-shirt Drawing Poster

City by Playground

Explore an extensive collection of city template visual designs curated specifically to capture the essence and diversity of urban landscapes. Whether you're working on a project for an urban development presentation, creating captivating social media posts, or designing an eye-catching travel blog, our city templates offer the perfect solutions for a multitude of use cases. From illustrating bustling cityscapes bursting with energy to serene nighttime skylines, our templates provide a versatile array of visuals to make your content stand out. At Playground, we understand that everyone’s design needs are unique. That's why our city templates are not only professionally crafted but also completely free to use. With Playground, you're not just getting access to high-quality visual designs; you're stepping into a creative sandbox where you can explore and experiment without any limitations. Our user-friendly platform makes it easy to browse, select, and customize templates to perfectly fit your project’s requirements. So whether you're a seasoned graphic designer or a newbie in the design world, Playground offers a seamless experience to bring your urban visualizations to life. Once you've selected and customized your ideal city template, sharing your final masterpiece is effortless. Showcase your work instantly across various platforms or save it for future use. Moreover, our templates are highly editable, allowing you to tweak colors, adjust layouts, and add personal touches to match your vision flawlessly. Dive into the world of urban design with Playground's city templates and watch your ideas transcend into stunning, professional-quality visuals.

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